EPIC Consent Cards
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EPIC Consent Cards are a relationship builder card game designed to bring emotion, playfulness, intimacy, AND connection to relationships.

Our Vision is to generate connection inside relationships through consensual experience and individual expression.

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About the game.

EPIC Consent Cards were created in 2017 when card creator, Brie Helmuth Moore, was dating in New York City and became curious about how relationships can become more playful, intimate, and consensual. She wondered how, while being intimate, people can express their needs powerfully and practice consent.

Through Q and A cards, we have an opportunity to share experiences with one another, face to face, or have the option to counter and create our own questions.

The game is playful and sensual, enhances relationships, breaks the ice for new ones to form, and can be a fun group activity too.

“Learn about one another’s mind and body, and create a space for discovery, love, fun, and consent. “ - Brie Helmuth Moore

Card graphics designed by Jess Martinaitis


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10% of proceeds go toward domestic violence relief and prevention.

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A complete 52 deck card game where players take turns being card permissor and card pursuer, reading card prompts, asking questions and sharing, back and forth. Each player has three counter cards per game. If card permissor or card pursuer doesn’t find the prompt favorable, and they have a counter card left, they say counter, and create their own alternative question from the same category. Emotional = sharing + inquiring / Play = physical and mental games / Intimacy = energy evoking sensual pleasure, without touch / Connection = physical touch. The person bearing the most skin draws first.

If playing with a partner virtually, we suggest the Emotional deck, however you can play through other categories and skip over cards where partner contact is necessary.